⛧ LyingMuse⛧

dead muse, do not eat

Call me Muse

✬ More WIPs than brain cells
✬ Failing to straddle the line between saccharine fluff and nasty degeneracy
✬ Stiff, Distant, and Weird
✬ Aspirating Ashtray
✬ Too Crazy to function, Too Functional for most to give a shit.


I really like dating sims, especially BL ones.

I spend most my time writing or reading.

🦇❤🐦/ 🌻❤🥦/🦝❤💀

Current Obsessions:
✬ Anything DC comic related
✬ X-Men and Young Avengers comics
✬ My Hero Academia
✬ Danganronpa
✬ Percy Jackson Books
✬ Too many Anime + Manga to name


Tim and Bruce header by Noah Sterling
I do not condone real life replications of fictional material

"I'm not your bitch don't hang your shit on me"


"Just Don't Forget-If It Ever Gets Too Tough...There's Always A Place For You Here."